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  • The Fall 2024 graduation application is now available. Students can access it in their Student Planner through the Home Menu. The deadline is midnight on October 11.

Child Development AAS Program Outcomes

Outcome Measure #1: The Number of Program Completers

Number of Program Completers by Academic Year
Academic Year Number of Program Completer Percentage of program completers who were attending full-time (at the time of completion) Percentage of program completers who were attending part-time (at the time of completion)
2021-2022 8 38% 63%
2020-2021 1 0% 100%
2019-2020 1 0% 100%

Outcome Measure #2: The Program Completion Rate

Percentage of Program Completers within Timeframe
Academic year in which a Fall cohort of full-time candidates enrolled in the program (select three sequential years) Percentage of those candidates who completed the program within 150% of the published timeframe Percentage of those candidates who completed the program within 200% (twice) of the published timeframe
2018-219 0% 0%
2017-2018 0% 0%
2016-2017 0% 0%

Outcome Measure #3: Institutional Selected Data

Fall-to-Fall retention rate in the program by Academic Year
Academic Year Percentage of Part-Time Candidates Enrolled in the Program (% of Total Enrollment) Retention Rate among Part-Time Candidates Percentage of Full-Time Candidates Enrolled in the Program (% of Total Enrollment) Retention Rate among Full-Time Candidates
2021-2022 48% 10% 52% 45%
2020-2021 79% 35% 21% 57%
2019-2020 68% 26% 32% 18%