  • The Fall 2024 graduation application is now available. 学生可以在他们的 学生的计划 通过主菜单. 截止日期是10月11日午夜.


NAEYC Accredited Early Childhood Higher Education Program


太阳城官网提供儿童发展课程  应用科学副学士学位证书,   职业技能奖. The 儿童发展 AAS degree programs are also available in an online format. 

这个60小时的学位探讨儿童的成长和发展以及如何互动,并为所有从出生到青春期的儿童提供最强大的教育和基础,重点是从出生到8岁.  This degree has you in early childhood classrooms from the first semester working and learning.  This degree allows for many careers in a variety of fields like child care, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 儿童早期干预, 和领先优势.


View 项目学习成果 for 2022-2023

View 项目学习成果 for 2021-2022

View 项目学习成果 for 2019-2020 (PDF)

View 项目学习成果 for 2018-2019 (PDF) 


The child development and early childhood education program offers 3 levels of certification. The certifications are designed to build to the Associate's Degree.

  • 职业技能奖
    • 儿童发展 Associate Training --The 3-course professional education part of the CDA credential, a national certification by the Council for Professional Recognition
    • 儿童发展
  • 证书
    • 儿童发展证书
    • 幼儿管理员证书
  • 应用科学协会 儿童发展 and Early Childhood Education


太阳城官网儿童发展计划的使命是为学生进入劳动力市场提供知识和技能,以满足与儿童及其家庭一起工作的独特需求. 该计划的双重目的是:(1)以理论框架的形式为学生提供儿童发展和幼儿教育的知识, 目前的研究, 以及该领域的实践基础, (2) to provide practice and instruction in how to effectively implement knowledge into nurturing, stimulating and appropriate environments for young learners.



  • 启航教学助理
  • 公立学校的准专业人士
  • 儿童看护管理员
  • 幼儿教育教师
  • A professional in private and public agencies with focus on children, 养育孩子, 寄养及领养
  • 幼儿干预*
  • 儿童生活专员*
  • 许多其他学位和职业使用这种儿童发展和欧洲经委会知识技能的基础,如治疗:艺术, 音乐, 玩, 职业治疗, 还有物理治疗.*

*requires more education past an AAS degree



1.  情境中的儿童发展与学习

幼儿教育工作者(a)基于对幼儿从出生到8岁的发育阶段的理解. They (b) understand each child as an individual with unique developmental variations. 幼儿教育工作者(c)了解儿童在各种关系和多种环境中学习和发展, 包括家庭, 文化, 语言, 社区, 和社会. 他们(d)利用这种多维知识,就如何履行职责做出基于证据的决定.

2. Family-Teacher Partnerships and Community Connections

幼儿教育工作者明白,成功的幼儿教育取决于教育者与他们所服务的幼儿家庭的伙伴关系. They (a) know about, understand, value the diversity in family characteristics. Early childhood educators (b) use this understanding to create respectful, 响应, 与家庭建立互惠关系,并在幼儿的发展和学习中与他们作为合作伙伴. 他们(c)利用社区资源支持幼儿的学习和发展,并支持儿童的家庭, they build connections between early learning settings, 学校, 以及社区组织和机构.

3. Child Observation, Documentation, Assessment

幼儿教育工作者(a)了解评估的主要目的是为早期学习环境中的教学和规划提供信息. 他们(b)知道如何运用观察, 文档, other appropriate assessment approaches and tools. 幼儿教育工作者(c)以符合伦理和发展的方式使用筛选和评估工具, 在文化上, 能力, 并且在语言上适合于记录每个孩子的发展进步和促进积极的结果. In partnership with 家庭 and professional colleagues, early childhood educators (d) use assessments to document individual children’s progress and, 根据研究结果, 计划学习经历.

4. Developmentally, Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Teaching Practices

Early childhood educators understand that teaching and learning with young children is a complex enterprise, 它的细节取决于孩子的年龄和特点,以及教与学发生的环境. They (a) understand and demonstrate positive, 有爱心的, supportive relationships and interactions as the foundation for their work with young children. 他们(b)理解和使用符合幼儿学习轨迹和每个儿童需要的教学技能. 幼儿教育工作者(c)使用与发展相适应和与文化和语言相关的广泛曲目, anti-bias, evidence-based teaching approaches that reflect the principles of universal design for learning.

5. Knowledge, Application, Integration of Academic Content in the Early Childhood Curriculum

Early childhood educators have knowledge of the content of the academic disciplines (e.g., 语言和读写能力, 艺术, 数学, 社会研究, 科学, 技术与工程, physical education) and of the pedagogical methods for teaching each discipline. 他们(a)理解中心概念, 探究的方法和工具, the structures in each academic discipline. 教育者(b)理解教育学, including how young children learn and process information in each discipline, the learning trajectories for each discipline, 他们(c)运用这些知识,使用早期学习标准和其他资源,对自发的和有计划的学习经验以及课程开发做出决定, 实现, evaluation to ensure that learning will be stimulating, 具有挑战性的, 对每个孩子都有意义.

6. Professionalism as an Early Childhood Educator

Early childhood educators (a) identify and participate as members of the early childhood profession. They serve as informed advocates for young children, for the 家庭 of the children in their care, 对于儿童早期职业来说也是如此. They (b) know and use ethical guidelines and other early childhood professional guidelines.

他们(c)有专业的沟通技巧,有效地支持他们的关系和工作幼儿, 家庭, 和他的同事们. Early childhood educators (d) are continuous, 协作型学习者(e)在与幼儿的日常工作中以及作为幼儿专业的成员,培养并保持反思和有意实践的习惯.




基于我们的使命宣言和愿景, 以及NAEYC标准, the following guiding principles govern our program:

  1. Students and their success in our program is the foundational cornerstone of the program. Developmentally appropriate practices and adult learning strategies are incorporated in all courses. The program recognizes each student is an individual that has been molded by his or her own age, 性别, 能力, 的优势, 增长领域, 原籍家庭, the community and culture in which he or she is embedded.
  2. 学习机会的设计是通过主动学习来教授,以便让学生在技能建设和原则应用方面进行实践. Courses range from broad knowledge to specific skill development.

    Interactive learning opportunities are diverse and allow students to learn new knowledge, 练习技能,展示自己的精通程度. Learning opportunities include field experiences, 项目, 活动, assignments where students practice and demonstrate skill.

    The most effective teaching strategies are the field experiences. 实地体验为学生提供了观察儿童及其多样性(包括不同种族)的机会, 文化, socioeconomic status and 能力 levels (including exceptionalities). 除了, 实地经验让学生观察不同的教育理念,如蒙台梭利和高范围. (NAEYC标准1、4和5)
  3. 教师发展和展示创新和研究为基础的教学实践,以学生为中心,积极促进学习, 互动和留存. 教师总是在观察和对学生进行形成性评价,以理解和掌握学生的学习目标. Changes in content and teaching strategies are based on the assessments. (NAEYC标准3和4)
  4. Children, their 家庭 and the community guide our program. Each and every child is unique with their own temperament and 能力, deserves to have the best chances and opportunities for optimal development. 全儿童工作的一部分是支持儿童生活的家庭和社区,以支持和鼓励各领域的发展.

    我们的目标是让我们的大学生为孩子们提供适合发展的互动和环境,以促进最佳发展并与他人分享, 并与他们的父母和他们的社区一起倡导儿童,以便改变所有儿童的政策. (NAEYC标准1、2和6)


太阳城官网儿童发展应用科学联合学位课程由美国早期儿童高等教育项目认证委员会认证  National Association for the Education of Young Children. 目前的认证期限为 2021年7月至2028年7月.
