  • 2024年秋季毕业申请现已开放. 学生可以在他们的 学生的计划 通过主菜单. 截止日期是10月11日午夜.

Waivers & 灵活性


The Department of Education waives parent's signatures on the verification worksheet (verification of household size and number in college).  其他需要家长签名的证明文件, 如收入证明文件, 没有被豁免吗.

Students are no longer required to appear in person or in front of a notary to complete their Statement of Education Purpose form.  This document may be signed by the student and submitted to the school with a copy of their government issued identification.  The Department of Education also recognizes that forms of identification (such as a driver’s license) may expire with no real and reasonable opportunity for renewal due to social distancing requirements. Institutions may accept a copy of an expired document if it expired after March 1, 2020.  此表格和身份证明可以通过邮件提交, 安全电子邮件, 或者上传到学生的学校门户网站.

返回标题IV (R2T4)基金:

For any student who begins attendance in a payment period or period of enrollment that begins on or includes March 13, 2020, and subsequently withdraws from the period as a result of COVID-19-related circumstances, 机构不需要返还第四章资金.

将学生转变为远程学习的机构, 封闭的校园住房或其他校园设施, or experienced other interruptions in instruction are permitted to consider all withdrawals of ground-based students during the covered period to have been the result of circumstances related to the COVID-19 national emergency.   This includes students who withdrew during the applicable period for whom the institution has already performed an R2T4 calculation and returned funds. 哪些地方已经进行了退货, 学校应将第四章拨款重新发放给这些学生, 对COD进行必要的调整, 记入学生的分类账, 并请求任何必要的资金.

不免除R2T4计算. R2T4计算仍然必须完成, but neither the school nor the student has to return any unearned aid that results from that calculation. So, the school doesn't have to return any unearned aid that remains on the student's bill, 学生不需要归还任何助学金或贷款资金.   NOTE:  贷款借款人仍受其主本票条款的约束。.  The above mentioned waiver for R2T4 does not mean that you don't have to repay your student loans.  It simply means that if you withdrawal from all classes during the outlined semester(s), 学校不会以你的名义退还任何贷款款项, 因为学校的关系,我们要保持平衡.


The CARES Act allows institutions to exclude from the quantitative component (pace measurement) of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) attempted credits a student was unable to complete as a result of the COVID-19 national emergency. It is not necessary for a student to have filed a SAP appeal for an institution to exercise this flexibility. However, 从SAP中排除尝试的学分, an institution must have reasonably determined that the student’s failure to complete those credits was the result of a COVID-19 related circumstance. 允许的情况包括, 但不限于, 学生或家庭成员患病, 需要成为照顾者或第一反应者, 经济困难, 增加工作时间, 失去托儿服务, 无法通过远程教育继续上课, 由于设施关闭,无法接入wi-fi. 在招生期间,学校临时停办的, attempted credits for all affected students (specific to that enrollment period) may be excluded.


Federal law includes a provision allowing an institution to make FWS payments under certain limited circumstances to disaster-affected students who are unable to continue working.  For students enrolled and performing FWS at a campus that must close due to COVID-19, or for a FWS student who is employed by an employer that closes as a result of COVID-19, the institution may continue paying the student Federal work-study wages during that closure if it occurred after the beginning of the term, the institution is continuing to pay its other employees (including faculty and staff), 该机构继续满足其机构工资份额要求. Students who were prevented from beginning a term at the institution as a result of a COVID-19-related disruption would not be eligible for Federal Student Aid for that term, 因此,他们在不工作的时间里无法获得FWS的工资.  NOTE:  This applies to Federal Work-Study, State Work-Study, and the Work-Study Mentorship Program


Section 3503 of the CARES Act waives the institutional share (match) requirement associated with the Federal Work-Study (FWS) and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 award years.

The Department of Education released guidance allowing Institutions to transfer up to 100% of its unexpended Federal Work-Study allocation to the FSEOG program.  The CARES Act (Section 3504) further provides that an institution of higher education may use any amount of its FSEOG allocation (including funds transferred from FWS) to award emergency financial aid grants to assist undergraduate or graduate students for unexpected expenses and unmet financial need as the result of a qualifying emergency.  FSEOG奖励规则.e., 特殊的需要, with grants made first to Pell eligible students having the lowest Expected Family Contributions, 是否获豁免以发放基金管理组紧急援助补助金. FSEOG紧急援助赠款不被视为估计财政援助.


由于COVID-19的中断, THECB is temporarily allowing institutions to transfer up to 100% of the institution's unexpended Texas College Work-Study (TCWS) allocation, including the institution's unexpended Work-study Student Mentorship Program (WSMP) allocation, 德州补助金, 德州教育机会补助金(TEOG), 或学费均衡补助金(TEG)分配.  This will provide institutions with greater flexibility to provide grant funding to students during this COVID-19 public health emergency. This waiver is in effect until rescinded by the THECB or until the state disaster declaration is no longer in effect.  Institution's may not exceed the limitations on transferring grant funds from TEXAS Grant, TEOG, 和TEG加入TCWS项目. 最高可达该机构年度项目拨款总额的10%或20美元,000美元(以较低者为准)可以从德州助学金中转移, TEOG, 和TEG在给定的财政年度内转换为TCWS或WSMP.





